Sabtu, 29 Juni 2019


Ø Exercise 13: Verb as Complement
1.           To accept
2.           Having
3.           To go
4.           To reach
5.           To open
6.           Leaving
7.           Returning
8.           Buying
9.           To accept
10.       Being
11.       Being
12.       To finish
13.       Leaving
14.       Telling
15.       Stopping
16.       Driving
17.       Knowing
18.       Return
19.       Leaving
20.       Leaving

Ø Diagnostic Test : Part 1
1.            Nothing will ever come between (a. we / b. us) old friends.
2.            Elly thinks that (a. she / b. her) and Jane can make us fight.
3.            But what could break us up after all you and (a. I / have been through?
4.            The police say that Mazie and (a. they / b.them) can find the tools.
5.            Mazie told Jorge and (a. I / b. me) about the search.
6.            Jorge has gone off looking for some of (a. they / b. them).
7.             Some of these idea are completely new to Irene and (a. she / b. her).
8.             Biff expects that his brothers and (a. he / b. him) can keep the store open while their father is gone.
9.             Their father has taught his wife and (a. they / b. them) most of the details.
10.         People say that (a. we / b. us) young people are better educated than our parents are.
11.        People who grew up fifty years ago usually went to small schools (a. his or her / b. their) own neighborhoods.
12.        Now our school board plans (a. its / b. their) programs for big merged schools.
13.        A woman who works still has the main responsibility for (a. her / b. their) household.
14.        Many todays husbands are less liberated than (a. his / b. their) wives.
15.        An ordinary person who goes into politics may have a hard time remembering what (a. his or her / b. their) motives were after a few years.
16.        A farmer in this area doesn’t have to worry about the rain spoilling (a. his or her / b.their) hay.
17.        Everybody I know around here walks around with (a. his or her / b. their) headphones on all the time
18.        People ought to realize that (a. he or she / b. they) might need to hear the sounds of traffic sometimes.
19.        In anyone’s life, a time comes when (a. he or she / b. they) must make a difficult  choice.
20.        One can’t avoid (a. his or her / b. their) basic responsibilities.
21.        Most of them have (a. his or her / b. their) own umbrellas.
22.         Neither of the women wants to take (a. her / b. their) car all that way.

Ø Diagnostic Test : Part 2
1.           C
2.           C
3.           I
4.           C
5.           C
6.           C
7.           I
8.           I
9.           I
10.       C
11.       I
12.       C
13.       I
14.       C
15.       I
16.       C

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