Sabtu, 17 Juni 2017


Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa COBIT DAN ITIL adalah Frame didalam dunia IT yang menjadi acuan utama untuk IT Governance.
Sekarang kalau kita berbiacara mengenai framework didalam dunia IT, maka selain COBIT DAN ITIL ada framework lain yaitu:

·         Software Maintenance Maturity Model
Maturity Model adalah suatu metode untuk mengukur level pengembangan manajemen proses, yang berarti adalah mengukur sejauh mana kapabilitas manajemen tersebut. Seberapa bagusnya pengembangan atau kapabilitas manajemen tergantung pada tercapainya tujuan-tujuan COBIT.

·         Application Services Library (ASL)
Aplikasi Layanan Perpustakaan (ASL) adalah kerangka kerja domain publik dari praktik terbaik yang digunakan untuk standarisasi proses dalam aplikasi manajemen, disiplin memproduksi dan memelihara sistem informasi dan aplikasi. Istilah “perpustakaan” digunakan karena ASL disajikan sebagai satu set buku yang menggambarkan praktek-praktek terbaik dari industri TI. Hal ini dijelaskan dalam beberapa buku dan artikel (banyak dari mereka hanya tersedia dalam bahasa Belanda) dan di situs resmi ASL BiSL Foundation.

·         Business Information Services Library (BISL)
BiSL adalah standar domain publik sejak tahun 2005, diatur oleh Lembaga ASL BiSL (sebelumnya Lembaga ASL). Kerangka kerja ini menggambarkan standar untuk proses dalam manajemen informasi bisnis di strategi, manajemen dan operasi tingkat. BiSL berkaitan erat dengan kerangka ITIL dan ASL, namun perbedaan utama antara kerangka kerja ini adalah bahwa ITIL dan ASL fokus pada pasokan sisi informasi (tujuan organisasi TI), sedangkan BiSL berfokus pada sisi permintaan (yang timbul dari organisasi pengguna akhir).

·         Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF)
Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF) 4.0 adalah serangkaian panduan yang bertujuan membantu Teknologi Informasi (TI) profesional menetapkan dan menerapkan layanan yang handal dan hemat biaya.

Pada MOF lebih menetapkan layanan dimana memberikan layanan yang handal, relevan dan praktis sementara BISL masih standar dalam melakukan proses layanannya.
MOF mengelola manajemen operasional TI sedekemikian rupa sehingga bisnisnya dapat mengandalkan ketersediaan layanan yang tinggi, sementara BISL hanya berfokus pada sisi permintaan.
BISL memberikan atau memfasilitasi pamahanan dan komunikasi yang lebih baik, sementara MOF tidak terfokuskan dengan itu.

SMMM berfokus pada bagian dibidang manajemen  keamanan sementara ASL berfokus  dibidang perpustakaan.
SMMM memiliki kemanan proses dan system sementara ASL keamanannya tidak terlalu terfokuskan.
ASL lebih mengacu pada pemeliharaan dan peningkatan system informasi, sedangkan matury model hanya mengacu prsoses dan mengandalkan manajemen kemanan yang lebih ketat.


Kamis, 08 Juni 2017


Combining ITIL, COBIT, and ISO/IEC 27002 in Order to Design a Comperhensive IT Framework in Organization

1.       Introduction
Management is an attempt to direct and control a group of one or more people or entities for the purpose of coordinating and harmonizing them towards accomplishing a special goal . At present Management encompasses several dimension like human resources ,financial resource and technological resource. One new area of management is information technology management (or IT management). It is a combination of two branches of study, information technology and management.
‘Information Technology’ has several definition from different perspective :
From the first perspective , IT system are application and infrastructure which are components of a larger product. They enable or are embedded in processes and service.
From the second perspective , IT is an organization with its own set of capabilities and resource. IT organization can be one of various types such as business function , shared service units and enterprise –level core units.
From the third perspective , IT is a category of service utilized by business . They are typically IT application and infrastructure that are package and offered as service by internal IT organization of external service providers. In this perspective IT cost are treated as business expenses.
From the fourth perspective , IT is a category of business assets that provide a stream of benefit for their owner , including but not limited to revenue , income and profit. In this perspective IT cost are treated as investment.
All definition emphasize the importance of IT in the organization . therefore it is crucial to manage and implement IT in the organizations. There are several standards , tools , frameworks, and best practice to manage and maintain IT service. The most applicable and widely used such standards are ISO/IEC 27002 in information security. Hence it is better to combine them to make a comprehensive IT framework in the organization . Based on previous studies the best combination should be between laying ITIL , COBIT and ISO/IEC 17799 together . But ITIL de-facto standard and ISO/IEC 17799 standard recently has been refreshed and changed.

2.       ITIL
ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) is a de-facto standard which introduced and distributed by Office of Government Commerce (OGC) in UK and includes all IT parts of organization. At present ITIL is the most widely accepted approach to IT service Management in the world. It has an iterative, multidimensional and lifecycle form structure. ITIL has an integrated approach as required by the ISO/IEC 20000 standard with following guidance.
·         Service Strategy
The service strategy provides guidance on how to design , develop and implement service management form organizational capability perspective and strategic asset. It provides guidance on the principles underpinning the practice of service management which are useful for developing service management policies, guidelines and processes across the ITIL service lifecycle . service strategy guidance is applicable in the context of other parts of ITIL lifecycle. Service strategy covers these parts of IT system : the development of markets , internal and external , service assets, service catalogue and implementation of strategy through the service lifecycle.
Service strategy includes these processes :
§  Financial Management
§  Service Portfolio Management
§  Demand Management
·         Service Design
It is guidance for the design and development of service and service management processes. It covers design principles and method for converting strategic objective into portfolios of service and service assets. The scope of Service Design is includes the changes and improvements necessary to increase or maintain value to costumer over the lifecycle of service, the continuity of service, achievements of service levels and conformance to standards and regulations. It guides organization on how to develop design capabilities for service management. Service Design includes these processes:
§  Service Catalogue Management
§  Service Level  Management
§  Capacity Management
§  Availability Management
§  IT Service Continuity Management
§  Information Security Management Supplier Management , Application Management
§  Data and Information Management Business Service Management
·         Service Transition
It is  guidance for the development and improvement of capabilities for transitioning new and changed service into operations. Service Transition provides guidance on how the requirements of service strategy encoded in Service Design are effectively realized in Service Operation while controlling the risk of failure and disruption . This part of ITIL framework combines practices in release management , program management and risk management and place them in the practical context of service management.
Service Transition processes are:
§  Change Management
§  Service asset and Configuration Management
§  Release and deployment Management
§  Knowledge Management
§  Stakeholder Management
§  Transition Planning
§  Support and Service Evaluation

·         Service Operation
Service Operation tries to embody practice in the management of Service Operation. It includes guidance on achieving effectiveness and efficiency in the delivery and support of service so as to ensure value for the customer and the service provider. Strategic objectives are ultimately realized through Service Operation , therefore making it a critical capability.
It process are:
§  Event Management
§  Incident Management
§  Request Management
§  Problem Management
§  Access Management
·         Continual Service Improvement
This is including of instrumental guidance in creating and maintaining value for customers through better design , introduction and operation of service. It combines principles , practice and methods from quality management, Change Management and  capability improvement. Organization learn to realize incremental and large-scale improvements in service quality , operational efficiency and business continuity.
Its processes are:
§  The 7-Step Improving Process
§  Service Level  Management

 3.       COBIT
The control Objectives for Information and related Technology (COBIT) is a set of best practice (framework) for information technology management created by the Information System Audit and Control Association (ISACA), and the IT Governance Institute (ITGI) in 1992 . COBIT was released and used primarily by the IT community. Later Management Guidelines were added , and COBIT became the internationally accepted framework  for IT governance and control.
                COBIT provides managers , auditors, and IT users with a set of generally accepted measures , indicators, processes and best practice to assist them in maximizing the benefits derived through the use of information technology and developing appropriate IT governance and control in a company.
                In its latest edition, COBIT has 34 high level objective that cover 215 control objective categorized in four domains: Plan and Organize , Acquire and Implement, Deliver and Support, and Monitor and Evaluate.
                The COBIT mission is to research , develop, publicize and promote an authoritative , up to date, international set of generally accepted information technology control objective for day-to-day use by business managers and auditors. Managers, auditors ,and users benefit from the development of COBIT because it helps them understand their IT system and decide the level of security and control that is necessary to protect their companies assets through the development of an IT governance model. COBIT covers four domains:
·         Plan and Organize
The Planning and Organization domain covers the use of technology and how best it can be used in a company to help achieve the company’s goals and objective. It also highlights the organizational and infrastructural form IT is to take in order to achieve the optimal results and to generate the most benefits from the use of IT. Here is list of the high level control objective for the planning and Organization domain.
§  Define a Strategic IT Plan
§  Define The Information Architecture
§  Determine Technological Direction
§  Define the IT Processes, Organization and Relationships
§  Manage the IT Investment
§  Communicated Management Aims and Direction
§  Manage IT Human Resource
§  Manage Quality
§  Assess and Manage IT Risk
§  Manage Projects
·         Acquire and Implement
The aim is to identify its IT requirements acquiring the technology and to implement it within the company’s current business processes.
This domain also addresses the development of a maintenance plan that a company should adopt in order to prolong the life of an IT system and its components. Here is list of the high level control objective for the Acquisition and Implementation domain.
§  Identify Automated Solution
§  Acquire and Maintain Application Software
§  Acquire and Maintain Technology Infrastructure
§  Enable Operation and use
§  Procure IT Resource
§  Manage Changes
§  Install and Accredit Solution And Changes
·         Delivery and Support
This domain tries to manage delivery service which include:
§  Define and Manage Service Levels
§  Manage Third-party Service
§  Manage Performance and Capacity
§  Ensure Continuous Service
§  Ensure System Security
§  Identify and Allocated Costs
§  Educated and Train Users
§  Manage Service Desk and Incidents
§  Manage the configuration
§  Manage Problems
§  Manage Data
§  Manage the Physical Environment
§  Manage Operation
·         Monitor and Evaluate
The Monitoring and Evaluation domain deals with a company’s strategy in assessing the needs of the company and whether or not the current IT system still meets the objectives for which it was designed and the controls necessary to comply with regulatory requirements. Monitoring also covers the issue of an independent assessment of the effectiveness of IT system in its ability to meet business objective and the company’s control process by internal and external auditors . The following table list the high levels control objective for the Monitoring domain
§  Monitor and Evaluate IT Processes
§  Monitor and Evaluate Internal Control
§  Ensure Regulatory Compliance
§  Provide IT Governance
 4.       ISO/IEC 27002
This is an information security management system (ISMS) standard which is the code of practice for Information Security Management. It list security control objectives and recommended range of a specific security controls .
Organizations that implement an ISMS in accordance with the best practice advice in ISO/IEC 27002 are likely simultaneously to meet the requirements of ISO/IEC 27002, but certification is entirely optional (unless mandated by the organization’s stakeholder).

 5.       ITIL related to COBIT
The strength within ITIL is the way processes are described with difference activities and flowcharts to use for target implementation . Cost/Benefit and Implementation issues are also described. There are also guidelines for reviews and Critical Success Factors, but these issues  are better described in COBIT, First of all COBIT is defined by the IT-audit community as a framework highly suitable for authority. COBIT is also stronger when it come to management issues where “Management Guidelines” provides the implementer with a reference where Critical Success Factors are describe together with Key Goal Indicators ,Key Performance Indicators  and Capability Maturity Models (CMM).
When ITIL is benchmarked with COBIT , it has been found that they correspond with each other to a high degree ,especially, when the processes  of COBIT are ITIL based as in its latest version . In spite of different words used for the same issues but they cover the same problem. It is only for incident Management in ITIL that there is not any equivalent in COBIT. This however ,does not mean that it is not covered at all. Instead it may be covered in the other part of the framework or with a different approach. As shown in table therefore it is better to borrow concepts/process, Activities, Cost/Benefits and planning to Implementation from ITIL standard and audits from COBIT to design a comprehensive framework.

6.       ITIL related to ISO/IEC 27002
            As already mentioned, ISO/IEC 27002 is used for information security and not just IT issues, With such broad objective it is apparent that ISO/IEC 27002 does not correspond with ITIL as much as ITIL does with COBIT . ISO/IEC 27002 main straight is in its application for ensuring overall security at all levels within an organization.
          Problem Management and Configuration Management in ITIL have not any equivalent in ISO 27002. Configuration Management has a huge impact on the IT environment and it should be handled in a secure manner. In addition in ISO/IEC 27002 security is characterized as the preservation of confidentially , integrity and Availability. In ITIL Availability is about quality aspect such as reliability, maintainability , serviceability & resilience. Another important finding in the benchmark it that financial issues are not handled at all in ISO/IEC27002 ,instead it is about only risk management, i.e. the implementer should mitigate risks to avoid costs. ITIL on the other hand , is about financing and cost allocation for the delivery of IT-services.
              Therefore it is better to borrow Information Security process from ISO/IEC 270002 in designing a comprehensive framework.

 7.       Conclusion
In every organization today, IT service must be delivered in a cost efficient manner, mitigating security risk and complying with legal requirements. The equation is difficult to handle and in some cases it seems like an  impossible mission . To be able to survive in this environment a combination of ITIL, COBIT and ISO/IEC 27002 can be value able for organization targets , Implementers should use ITIL to define strategies , plans and processes, use COBIT for metrics, benchmarks and audits and use ISO/IEC 27002 to address security issues to mitigate the risk as below in Table 2.
ISO/IEC 27002
Critical Success Factors
Information Security
Metric (CSF,KPI)

Benchmarking (CMM)

Planning for Implementation


8.       Referensi
[1] wikipedia, Management, HBusiness and Economics WikiProjectH., 3 July 2007, H
[2] Sharon Taylor, S.Lacy, I.Macfarlane, ITIL:Service Transition,TSO publications.Norwith,UK,2007
[3] wikipedia, ISO-IEC-27002:,HISO standardsH, November 2007 ,
[4] Wikipedia, COBIT:2005,Quality Management, 24 November 2007, H
[5] Wikipedia, ISO/IEC 20000:2005, ISO/IEC standards,October 2007, H
[6] Wikipedia,ITIL v3, HInformation technology managementH , 24 November 20, H
[7] John Wallhoff, Combining ITIL with COBIT and 17799, 15 October 2007,Hwww.scillani.comH\COBIT\Scillani%20Article% 20Combining%20ITIL%20with%20Cobit%20and%20 17799.
[8]     ITIL forum(2007), Information Technology Infrastructure Library ver 3, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[9]  Jan van Bon,M.Pieper,A.Veen,T.Verheijen,Best Practices: Introduction to ITIL,TSO Publications,Norwich,June 2007.
[10] Sharon Taylor, M.Iqbal, M.Nieves, ITIL:Service Strategy,TSO publications.Norwith,UK,2007
[11]Sharon Taylor, V. Lioyd,C.Rudd, ITIL:Service Design,TSO publications.Norwith,UK,2007 [12]Sharon Taylor,S. Lacy,I.Macfarlane, ITIL:Service Transition,TSO publications.Norwith,UK,2007
[13]Sharon Taylor, D. Cannon,D.Wheeldon, ITIL:Service Strategy,TSO publications.Norwith,UK,2007
[14] Sharon Taylor, G.Case,G.Spalding, ITIL:Continual Service Improvement,TSO publications.Norwith,UK,2007
[15] Eric Lachapelle, White Paper : “Control Objectives for Information and related Technology “,Veridion Inc.,Montreal, Canada,2 October2007, Hwww.veridion.netH\ITIL+COBIT\cobit_en_wp.pdf,2007.
[16] David Kohrell, CobiT and IT Governance - Elements for building in securityfrom the top, down and thebottom, up,23 October 2007,
[17] Introduction To ISO 27002 (ISO27002), 27 November 2007,
 [18] Peter Hill, K. Turbitt, Combine ITIL and COBIT to MeetBusiness Challenges , 9 November 2007,,\COBIT\BMC_BPWP_ITIL_COBIT_ 06.pdf  Referensi
[1] wikipedia, Management, HBusiness and Economics WikiProjectH., 3 July 2007, H
[2] Sharon Taylor, S.Lacy, I.Macfarlane, ITIL:Service Transition,TSO publications.Norwith,UK,2007
[3] wikipedia, ISO-IEC-27002:,HISO standardsH, November 2007 ,
[4] Wikipedia, COBIT:2005,Quality Management, 24 November 2007, H
[5] Wikipedia, ISO/IEC 20000:2005, ISO/IEC standards,October 2007, H
[6] Wikipedia,ITIL v3, HInformation technology managementH , 24 November 20, H
[7] John Wallhoff, Combining ITIL with COBIT and 17799, 15 October 2007,Hwww.scillani.comH\COBIT\Scillani%20Article% 20Combining%20ITIL%20with%20Cobit%20and%20 17799.
[8]     ITIL forum(2007), Information Technology Infrastructure Library ver 3, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[9]  Jan van Bon,M.Pieper,A.Veen,T.Verheijen,Best Practices: Introduction to ITIL,TSO Publications,Norwich,June 2007.
[10] Sharon Taylor, M.Iqbal, M.Nieves, ITIL:Service Strategy,TSO publications.Norwith,UK,2007
[11]Sharon Taylor, V. Lioyd,C.Rudd, ITIL:Service Design,TSO publications.Norwith,UK,2007 [12]Sharon Taylor,S. Lacy,I.Macfarlane, ITIL:Service Transition,TSO publications.Norwith,UK,2007
[13]Sharon Taylor, D. Cannon,D.Wheeldon, ITIL:Service Strategy,TSO publications.Norwith,UK,2007
[14] Sharon Taylor, G.Case,G.Spalding, ITIL:Continual Service Improvement,TSO publications.Norwith,UK,2007
[15] Eric Lachapelle, White Paper : “Control Objectives for Information and related Technology “,Veridion Inc.,Montreal, Canada,2 October2007, Hwww.veridion.netH\ITIL+COBIT\cobit_en_wp.pdf,2007.
[16] David Kohrell, CobiT and IT Governance - Elements for building in securityfrom the top, down and thebottom, up,23 October 2007,
[17] Introduction To ISO 27002 (ISO27002), 27 November 2007,
 [18] Peter Hill, K. Turbitt, Combine ITIL and COBIT to MeetBusiness Challenges , 9 November 2007,,\COBIT\BMC_BPWP_ITIL_COBIT_ 06.pdf

Rabu, 07 Juni 2017

Framework ITIL dan COBIT

Ø  COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology)

COBIT didasarkan atas filosofi bahwa sumber daya IT membutuhkan pengelolaan untuk menyediakan informasi yang dapat dipercaya kepada organisasi dalam rangka mencapai tujuannya. Penguasaan IT yang efektif akan membantu untuk menyakinkan bahwa IT telah mendukung tujuan perusahaan, mengoptimalkan investasi bisnis pada IT.

Tujuan COBIT adalah menyediakan model dasar yang memungkinkan pengembangan aturan yang jelas dan praktek yang baik dalam mengontrol informasi dalam suatu organisasi/perusahaan dalam mencapai tujuannya.
·         Manajemen
Dengan penerapan COBIT, manajemen dapat terbantu dalam proses penyeimbangan resiko dan pengendalian investasi dalam lingkungan IT yang tidak dapat diprediksi.
·         User
Pengguna dapat menggunakan COBIT untuk memperoleh keyakinan atas layanan keamanan dan pengendalian IT yang disediakan oleh pihak internal atau pihak ketiga.
·         Auditor
Dengan penerapan COBIT, auditor dapat memperoleh dukungan dalam opini yang dihasilkan dan/atau untuk memberikan saran kepada manajemen atas pengendalian internal yang ada.

1.       Control Objectives: Terdiri atas 4 tujuan pengendalian tingkat-tinggi (high-level control objectives ) yang tercermin dalam 4 domain, yaitu: planning & organization , acquisition & implementation , delivery & support  dan monitoring .
2.       Audit Guidelines: Berisi sebanyak 318 tujuan-tujuan pengendalian yang bersifat rinci (detailed control objectives ) untuk membantu para auditor dalam memberikan management assurance dan/atau saran perbaikan.
3.       Management Guidelines: Berisi arahan, baik secara umum maupun spesifik, mengenai apa saja yang mesti dilakukan.
COBIT melihat pengendalian dalam tiga dimensi berbeda yaitu Sumber TI, ProsesTI, dan Kriteria Informasi TI.

·         COBIT adalah framework matang, pertama kali dirilis pada tahun 1996 oleh Information System Audit and Control Association (ISACA).
·          Edisi kedua muncul pada tahun 1998, yang ketiga pada tahun 2000, dan yang terakhir pada edisi keempat.
·         Sekarang CoBIT dipublikasikan dengan nama ITGI (the IT Governance Institute).
·         COBIT adalah framework untuk informasi manajemn resiko IT, atau lebih formal, sebuah “kerangka kerja dan toolset pendukung yang memungkinkan manajer untuk menjembatani kesenjangan antara kebutuhan pengendalian permasalahan teknis dan risiko bisnis”(ref: ISACA)

v  Kelebihan  Cobit:
·         Rahasia
·         Proteksi terhadap informasi yang sensitif dari akses yang tidak bertanggung jawab.
·         Integritas
·         Berhubungan dengan penyediaan informasi yang sesuai untuk manajemen.
·         Secara umum dapat dikatakan bahwa COBIT merupakan sebuah model tata kelola TI yang memberikan sebuah arahan yang lengkap mulai dari sistem mutu, perencanaan, manajemen proyek, keamanan, pengembangan dan pengelolaan layanan. Arahan dari COBIT kemudian didetailkan kembali oleh beberapa model framework sesuai dengan perkembangan keilmuan.

v  Kekurangan COBIT
·         COBIT hanya memberikan panduan kendali dan tidak memberikan panduan implementasi operasional.
·         COBIT hanya berfokus pada kendali dan pengukuran.

Ø  ITIL ( Information Technology Infrastructure Library)

Pemerintah sebagai regulator, Orang / pihak di bidang jasa pelayanan IT, organisasi yang menerapkan ITIL, Auditor, Mitra Bisnis (Investor/konsumen).
ITIL-3 bukanlan sebuah standar tetapi hanya kerangka yang berisi 8 seri mengenai praktek-praktek terbaik mengenai IT service management dan distribusi IT service yang berkualitas tinggi. Delapan seri tersebut adalah sebagi berikut : Software Asset Management, Service Support, Service Delivery, Planning to Implement Service Management, ICT Infrastructure Management, Application Management, Security Management, Business Perspective
Ada 2  dasar konsep ITIL  :
1)      Menjaga supaya layanan bisa digunakan dengan baik oleh user ( service support )
2)      Proses bagaimana cara mendeliverykan layanan tersebut (service delivery )
Dua karakteristik dasar konsep ITIL adalah sebagai berikut :
1)      Service management
2)      Customer orientation.

·         ITIL adalah sebuah framework yang mulai dikembangkan sejak tahun 1980 oleh pemerintahan Inggris, untuk kebutuhan mereka sendiri
·         Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini telah diadopsi secara luas, dan internasional
·         Dapat dikatakan kerangka manajemen yang paling banyak digunakan IT
·         ITIL mencakup struktur organisasi dan persyaratan keterampilan untuk organisasi IT dengan menghadirkan seperangkat prosedur manajemen
·         Ini dimaksudkan untuk menjadi pemasok independen dan berlaku untuk semua aspek infrastruktur TI.

v  Kelebihan ITIL  :
·         Memberi deskripsi rinci sejumlah praktik penting TI dan menyediakan daftar komprehensif tugas dan prosedur yang didalamnya setiap organisasi dapat menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhannya sendiri
·         ITIL bukan merupakan standard yang memberikan prescription tetapi lebih kepada merekomendasikan, oleh karena itu implementasi antara satu organisasi dengan organisasi lain dapat dipastikan terdapat perbedaan. Dengan demikian kita tidak bisa membandingkan / melakukan benchmark secara pasti

v  Kelemahan ITIL  :
·         Kelemahan ITIL antara lain: buku-buku ITIL sulit terjangkau bagi pengguna non komersial, ITIL bersifat holistic yang mencakup semua kerangka kerja untuk tatakelola TI, pelaksanaan pedoman dalam buku ITIL memerlukan pelatihan khusus dan biaya pelatihan atau sertifikasi ITIL terlalu tinggi.

·         COBIT dan ITIL adalah standard yang cakupan areanya adalah menengah ke bawah.
·         COBIT dan ITIL cocok jika dijadikan sebagai IT management framework.
·         Kerangka kerja COBIT memasukkan hal-hal berikut ini :  
·         Maturity Models
·          Critical Success Factors (CSFs)
·         Key Goal Indicators (KGIs)
·         Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
·         Kerangka kerja yang digunakan untuk mengelola infrastruktur teknologi dan informasi dalam suatu organisasi, dan bagaimana memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik bagi para pengguna teknologi informasi.
·         Kerangka kerja digunakan bagi pemerintahan untuk membantu mereka pada tingkat tertinggi dari organisasi untuk memahami dan memenuhi kewajiban hukum, peraturan, dan etika mereka dalam hal penggunaan organisasi mereka ‘IT.

·         Dijadikan sebagai IT governance framework
·         memberikan pedoman pada perusahaan bahwa keputusan-keputusan strategic IT tidak hanya berada pada CIO saja tetapi juga pada direksi, komisaris dan pemegang-saham.